"Reviews: What do others say?"

My son Josh went through this program when he was in elementary school. My husband and I have always credited Mrs. Dinsmore with how well Josh did in school. We feel that he would have struggled when he was older. We were amazed at the growth he made with his reading and writing. These were areas that he avoided when working at home with us.
author’s note: Josh graduated from college a few years ago.


I want to give a heart felt thank you to Vickie Dinsmore. This program is not easy for me. It is taking me repeating the lessons over and over to understand how to help my daughter. It has been so worth the effort. I felt helpless before finding this program. She is improving every day and her self esteem is so much.

Ted B
Just what I was looking for!
Recently, I became intrigued with a program called Dyslexia Solutions that “retrains your brain to hear” building new connections and changing the brain through neuroplasticity. All in 15 minutes a day for 12 weeks—exercises which parents lead their child through at home. The program presents itself as auditory processing retraining. Only for $6000!!! ($10,000 if you didn’t buy it on the spot during the consulting phone call!!!) So my search began for the next possibility! I wanted to know more about how auditory processing relates to dyslexia. Surely there was a way to access auditory processing exercises for dyslexia for less than $6000!

God bless Vickie Dinsmore! You know a true educator by how eager, willing and devoted they are to getting solutions to kids! I believe this book for $17 very likely has all the same potential as that $6000 program.

As a home schooling parent with a struggling dyslexic student, I am more than happy to put time into studying and preparing if there is potential for significant gains in my child’s reading fluency. Through Udemy, Vickie Dinsmore offers a 4.5 hour course to help parents and educators understand better how to use her book and carry out her program. (For $40! I almost cried tears of joy when that low price appeared in my screen). The book arrived today, and we have already started: we completed the spelling assessment using the Informal Spelling Assessment List in the book. And only 30 minutes into the video course, I am able to analyze and better understand sounds my child is not processing. I can’t imagine that exercising his brain to help him hear more clearly won’t make a significant difference in his reading, spelling and ability to learn. Even if this system doesn’t solve all of our reading and writing problems, I am already certain it has enough to offer to justify the price and the time we will be devoting to it! I will give an update after we have completed six weeks and of implementing the program!

Reviews for the Online Course Teaching Struggling Readers and Spellers with 20 Minute Phonemic Training from Homeschooling Parents:

Christopher said

"This course so far has been great for me. I need to help my son with his spelling and reading, and this is exactly what I needed."

Camilla H.

I already have Vickie's books but this course is so helpful in bringing it to life. I am only part way through the course but already feel much more confident that I can successfully apply her ideas to help my child.

Professional Educator Reviews

Wendy said " It will be useful in my work as a school wide reading interventionist. "

Sandy R
Hello Vickie,
I have used your book now for about 9 months with great success with some of my students. Thank you so much for the books! I am about to start on the journey of helping my own children with dyslexia using your program. I work as an SLP in private practice. I am eternally grateful to you! I am looking forward to continuing to learn with them and to see them grow!,

Jenni Thoams
This book has become a true asset to my classroom. It is a quick and easy resource to use during one on one reading/spelling intervention. I have seen lasting growth in my students with Dyslexia as well as other developmental delays. I am so happy I purchased this book it is a must have for students that struggle with phoneme awareness !!

Annette S.
This book has been an essential tool for the struggling encoders on my caseload. The format of the lessons gives students structure and routine while they train their brains for the domains of reading, writing, listening and speaking. I have also had success using it for articulation. I have been using this book Since 2017. I am writing a review now because I had to order another book after forgetting my book at work during school closure. I also wanted to use the book and give an appropriate review. I have seen my students make great progress with their skills using the techniques described in this book. I have found my niche.

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Oliver Hartman